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Other sessions 

Explore what else Inspire to rewire has to offer! See below individual client sessions we offer. Read the client testimonial section to hear inspiring stories where clients report amazing changes to their life! You could be next!!

NLP Life Coaching

$180 per session


The sessions are individualised depending on the client’s needs.

I use NLP tools to guide the client through the stages of the coaching sessions to get the results you desire and deserve. I use intentional, transformational language and practical exercises to inspire you to 'un-train' your brain of what no longer serves you in your life. This unique training teaches you how to re-train your mindset to be set for success. This had a positive impact on your physiology.

Coaching sessions vary, some clients wish to use sessions to discover:


  • How to identify and use their personal strengths and values to solve current problems

  • Set and achieve goals

  • Develop confidence and resilience to overcome challenges

  • Removing blocks to success

  • Developing confidence and communication skills

  • Conflict resolution

Sleep Support Programme

$300 per session


This program is designed to teach clients ways to implement and promote deep sleep.


This is a 2-hour program that is designed to educate clients, teaching strategies, breathing techniques, and a process helping to improve your quality of sleep. Many clients can feel fatigued and low in energy and report they still feel tired after a night’s sleep. We look at your routine, breathing patterns, thought processes, daily activities, food and drink intake. These sessions are individualized and popular with teenagers, peri-menopausal women, and business clients who are working in a busy fast-paced world.

Pain Management

$180 per session


Essential to learn ways you can influence and decrease persisting pain.

Clients report these sessions are life-changing, they teach you how to apply strategies and tools to start to influence the way your nervous system works.

Sometimes you may feel powerless and feel that medication is the only thing that will decrease the pain.  You may have tried many other treatments and spent a lot of money on seeing varied healthcare professionals only to still be in pain.

The pain management sessions provide the latest neuroscience education and understanding of pain mechanisms, we cover pain and stress psychology, discussing the importance of neuroplasticity and the brain, I also teach you a combination of skills to down-regulate the nervous system allowing the nervous system to reset. Strategies include breathing, CBT tools, GMI, desensitisation techniques, trance induction, and many other strategies if needed.


Sessions will vary for different clients as each client's experience is very individual.


A pre-screening program and discussion on diagnosis (if any?) testings, imaging, and doctor’s recommendations are done before acceptance into these sessions. I may make recommendations to other healthcare professionals if I feel this is appropriate as pain is often an MDT approach. i.e. Pain physio, Pain Specialist Dr, etc.

I provide a flare-up pacing plan for clients to use if needed.

Stress & Anxiety Sessions


$180.00 per session


Learning strategies to reduce anxiety, overwhelm and over-thinking.


These sessions are popular for teenagers, clients with work pressures and clients who tend to overthink, experience anxiety and for clients who want to learn ways to decrease stress, promoting calmness, resilience and confidence.


Short-term stress is necessary but when stress progresses over an extended period of time the body’s adaptive response becomes maladaptive and this can cause negative physical and psychological effects.

Stress can be multifactorial, stressors can be from the environment, other people, your lifestyle, life experiences (big or small) and the way we perceive things. My mission is to support and empower you to be living your best life!!

Peaceful Lake
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